WW2 Public Information Films – Leslie Howard

howardI have just been sent a link to some 1941 Ministry of Information films held by the Imperial War Museums and tagged:

(links to films below)

From the Four Corners Part One

From the Four Corners Part Two

Getting the tone of the period while remaining relevant to a modern audience is always something of a tightrope walk and seeing the kinds of public information and propaganda films that movie goers would have seen between the A and B movies (or more likely B and A for those of us who still remember getting two films for our money before the dawn of Muliplexes) is one way of referencing that era.

These clips are especially fun for me and any fan  of the Bunch Courtney Investigations because Leslie Howard is exactly who I see when I am writing about her partner in crime-busting, Chief Inspector William Wright!

The latest book In Cases of Murder is out now!platform out now

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