Urban Fantasy : Mab’s Margrave and Good Neighbours (TBA)

Mab’s Margrave
Urban fantasy series of the Margrave of the Southern Lands! (AKA south coast from Lands End to Dover) Exiled by Mab  for crimes against her court Tara has been given the post of  law keeper amongst the Court’s subjects living in the human world and Diplomatic attache with those supernatural being who are not… This is a punishment! Based in Brighton Tarian (Tara) Meridydd is investigating officer for all law breaking – and some of them are very reluctant to be taken alive or dead.

Books One :  Dragon’s Wards – Tara must be both Police Officer and diplomat dealing the Trahern, the self-proclaimed last living Dragon in England. Shenanigans ensue!

Book Two : Down The Well  


Good Neighbours
The Anstie family have owned the Hill for centuries.  When Ally (Briallan) has a call from her aunt calling her home to family home she is pulled into a dangerous and magical  intrigue that began with her father death and looks likely to end with Ally’s own demise, and possibly the annihilation of the entire clan,  if she doesn’t act fast! Politics in the Fae courts spills out across the southern counties!

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