Stefloz Book Blog on “In Her Defence” Review on goodreads #inherdefence #review #crime

Another early review – this time on Goodreads – from Steph Lawrence.


“With the setting in the Sussex countryside, I felt the heat of the unseasonably warm Spring.
The author’s descriptive writing took me into a world gone by. I loved the details of the war years. I loved the horsey side of things too.
Rose (Bunch) Courtney’s childhood home, Perringham House, has been taken over for the war effort. Bunch and her grandmother and staff are living in the Dower House. There is a hierarchy of diplomats, military and civilians.
Bunch and her sister Dodo witness a horrible death in the pub on a busy market day.
She receives news that an old friend’s father has died a similar horrible death, looks like poisoning. Could they be connected?
With further deaths the locals get twitchy. Bunch is again the amateur sleuth along with Chief Inspector Wright. Bunch keeps her eyes open and her ear to the ground, pursuing the locals for any gossip which may shed light on the goings on. There were plenty of twists and turns in this murder mystery.
The author’s attention to detail made for a great read, especially with the local dialect (I was reading in the accent in my head!)
I usually read fast-paced crime fiction set in the present day, so this was different for me. I really enjoyed it.
Thanks to the author for the review copy in which I give my honest opinion.”

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